As always we are on a mission here at D3EP HQ to keep the platform fresh and bubbling with new features. This is the latest one we are rolling out and it's controlled completely by YOU!
You the listener can show support for the DJs and shows you enjoy the most simply by enjoying their podcasts or being active in the shoutbox during their shows.

Your support can result in DJs receiving awards for different things :
- Playing, liking, commenting on or sharing a Podcast will push it up the Top 20 Podcasts chart here on D3EP. Any show that hits the #1 spot will receive a trophy that will appear on the DJ's Profile page.
- Using Stickers in the shoutbox during their shows will crank up the D3EP Robot's Filthometer! If you manage to break it during any broadcast the Robot will announce it and the DJ will receive an award for it.
- Showing some love in the shoutbox will result in your favourite DJs receiving milestone awards like the 10,000 one displayed above!
- D3EP Angels who drop bombs during their favourite DJ's shows can earn them milestone awards like the 5,000 bombs dropped one above!
There are many more things planned so check back on this page from time to time to see what else we've added.
Have fun and big love,
Team D3EP x